Monday 4 August 2008

The First List - 6 Of my Firsts

No before you get all het up this is not a list of things like the first girl I kissed, my first memory, the first time I got my heart broken, yak yak yak yak . . . puke.

Not it's a list of my geek related firsts.

6. First TV series I bought on DVD

This was in july 2006 after watching some of BBC4's "My Sci-Fi Life" Sci-fi summer, I had seen Many Happy Returns

Enthralled, inspired by this episode I resolved to track down this series with the utmost expediency.
About 1 week later I was in Virgin Megastore (as it was back then) for the princely sum of £20.

I then rushed home to watch it & was not disappointed. (well tell a lie but that was more the continuity crashing).

Since then I have been a Prisoner fanatic. I own the comic books, books of the series, a village map & a "few" other things.

5. First Movie DVD I bought.

I first saw this film at the tender age of 10 & having been a Transformers fan for years before hand I am unashamed to say that I snapped this up the first opportunity I could.

This was also a Virgin MegaStore purchase though I paid the princely sum of £2.99 for it.

That said it is the Vanillaest disc that I have. Well had until I gave it to someone for a birthday present.

I later went on to buy a better edition. But that only included a wee bit from a TV program.

But it's better than a disc with no scene selection.

4. First comic I bought first hand.

Justice Society Of America Vol.3 Issue 1.
The latest in the imcomparable relaunch of the Justice Society by Geoff Johns & Dale Eaglesham.

I was of course particularly excited by the inclusion of Alex Ross whose art graced the cover. I feel his character designs are amazing.
Particular for me was the redesign of Sand as he has for a long time been a favourite of mine despite seeming to skulk in the shadows & having rarely been a front runner.
I love how his mask is more Sandman than his previous outfit.

P.S. For those of you who don't know, first hand comics are comics you buy on their release from the retailer. A large part of my collection is second comics (though a large perecentage of them are Near Mint quality)

3. First Toy I Bought

I have no idea which toy I bought first but the one I succinctly remember buying was the Aquanaut "Sea Sprint 9"

I rushed home with this only to be dissappointed that it wasn't water tight. Disappointed didn't cover it.

Also have you any idea how difficult it is to dry out a Lego part with a cotton towel?

4. 1st Game I bought
It was that fighting classic from the NES that I never completed. . . . . . .
No not Metroid! DOUBLE DRAGON!!!!!

This was undoubtedly "my game".

That is I played it the most, I was the best at it & Doug never played it.

Or if he did he wasn't as good as me.

That screenshot is from the first level ladies and gentlemen. The easy level.

Shortly before you lose the will to live on the third level with it's guys that are hard as nails. Even button bashing wouldn't save you.
Believe me I tried. Sooo many times.

5. First Sci-fi related memory.
Simple one.
Watching Real Ghostbusters in my pyjamas on a (I think) Saturday morning.
Pure bliss.
Have a nice day folks!

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