Monday 4 August 2008

Hellboy II: The Golden Army. Film Review

4 Years ago a rather good (if slightly pan handled) comic book adaptation was released.

Whilst it did not too shabbily at the box office, it didn't set the box office on fire & thus Sony Studios decided not too make a sequel.

Then along cam a film direct by a guy called Guillermo del Toro which everyone rather loved.

Then the studio remembered he wanted to direct a sequel to that comic book adaptation.

But believing it not to be profitable the rights to the franchise (Dirty Word! Dirty Word!) were sold to a studio who rather liked monsters

The director was given a free reign to do whatever he wanted to do.

Thus we get to 2 weeks ago & I had joined the queue at my local Cineworld to see a preview screening of Hellboy II: The Golden Army

Being a Hellboy fan a had of course picked up tickets for it.

Rather than a bland review saying what was good & bad, I am however going to hand out some awards and then a wee conclusion & percentage rating (Beware there may be spoilers [Depending on what you class as a spoiler])

First up:

I Wish He Was My Dad Award.

Professor Bruttenholm not only fights monsters & protects the world from paranormal evils (which is coolness enough), he not only has time to read his boy a bedtime story, he reads him a bedtime story that is a real fairy tale. How cool is that!

I Want One Of Those Award. (Tied)

The Goggles used to track down the Scottish granny troll. They look good, they are functional & what's more they make you really see fairies!

Tied with that is the Golden Army itself. It's an amazing creation, they are stunning & what's more when they get busted up they pull themselves back together! Genius!

The All Is Forgiven Award.

Seth McFarlane. Come back. I forgive you for the fact that Family Guy has run on for too long. I forgive you for all the unfunny Family Guy scripts. I fogive you for not putting it to bed.

One second of your performance as Johann Krauss made me love you again.

The I Wish I Could Do That Award

Johann Krauss' ability to take control of mechanical devices using his ectoplasm. Possibly the coolest executed idea in recent memory. It looks cool & is used to comedic & dramatic purposes without ever seeming gimmicky or deus ex machina esque.

Fight Of The Century Award

Between the B.P.R.D. & the titular Golden Army. Wow. Just Wow.

The effects are amazing & you are never indoubt as to what's going on or where things are in relation to one & another. It also has some pretty cool bits like Hellboy going to town with an arm like it's a bit of 2 by four.

Exit Stage Right Award

Agent Myers. You were nice in the original film, but honestly we didn't really need you. So it's not that we hate but that we are sure you will enjoy the Arctic.

Best Realised Characters Award

Stuff The Dark Knight, sure it was epic, but the best realised comic book characters who have made the transition to screen un scathed have to be the B.P.R.D.

None of them feel like cliches or stereotypes, every part of them from the actors chosen, to the costumes to the nuances in the performance.

Ron Perlman IS Hellboy.

Selma Blair IS Liz Sherman

Doug Jones IS Abe Sapien.

They seem like perfect fits for the comic characters.

In Short

This is a brilliant film, it may not "adult" or "grim & gritty" enough for some people but HellBoy II hits all the right notes & you leave the cinema with a sense of wonder. Probably also wishing it was real. Possibly.

Rating: 92/100

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