Friday 22 August 2008

Top 20 Best Lines From The Dawn Of War Series

If you haven't played any of the Dawn Of War Series then I recommend you do.

As soon as possible.

Because they are brilliant.

However there will be a review of the games at some point in the future, but for now I am going to share with you what I consider to be the best quotes uttered by the Units.

I have split them down into the best 10 quotes based on the 2 Factions I play the most. – Orks, & Imperial Guard.


1 - “’Ere ta fix yer gubbinz! Heh heh heh heh” – Big Mek upon being built.
The Big Mek, a unit I had previously ignored in the table top game, really comes into his own in Dawn Of War. It’s the leery nature of this quote that cracks me up every time.

2 - "Orks, Orks, Orks, Orks! Orks, Orks, Orks, Orks!" – Slugga Boyz on the move. There something indelibly cool about the sluggas singing a one word song when they go off to, in general, kick something’s head in.

3 - "It's gonna hurt a lot, but you'll be better! You'll see! Ha ha ha!" – Mad Dok in many cases. The Mad Dok has always been a favourite of mine, it’s made even better in the game as you can practically hear the rolling eyeballs.

4 - "I'z dead 'ard and ready for stompin'!" - Killa Kanz on being made. Simple & true, the Kanz takes an absolute shed load of damage. And stomps very well.

5 - "Dis tank makes da loudest boom!" Sure looted tanks, don’t quite work as well, as they are a bit too generic, but the loudest boom in the Ork army? Easily.

6 - "Wot? I wasn't listenin'!" – Mega Armoured Nobz on being given a command. They are big, hard, can kick most races close combat units out the park & look damn cool.

7 - "I KNEW today wuz gonna be special!" – Flash Gitz when shooting. One of the units that has made the transition to pixels the best, Flash Gitz can out shoot most squads without heavy weapons. Stick 2 mobs of these boys with a Big Mek in one & Mad Dok in the other & no one is getting into your base without heavy weapons or vehicles.

8 - "Ahahahaha! Don't hold on to dat end of it!" – Tankbustas firing. They’re talking about grenades. Need I say more.

9 - "Let's jump over 'um!" – Stormboyz using a speed boost. Orks + rockets strapped to their back = some bloody cool visuals.

10 -"Doze otha' boyz thinks they're betta t'an us! Get 'em!" – Slugga boyz rallying. This one exemplifies the Ork strategy best. When in doubt stick the boot in!

Imperial Guard:

1 - (mock-weakly)"Thought they broke our backs...? Ha!” – Guardsmen on rallying. For a bunch of guys with what amounts to torches, the Guardsmen are a plucky bunch & nothing says it better than this.

2 - "Space Marines...this'll be ugly" – One sighting the Space Marines who are the enemy. Hulking genetically modified 9 foot tall warriors versus 6 foot average Joes with flak armour? Course it’s going to be ugly, hell you can even hear the wince.

3 - "Remember, lads! Just like we did on Ceprus Prime!" – Kasrkin shooting. I have no idea what happened on Ceprus Prime, but the idea that the spread their enemies insides over the entire map pleases me.

4 - "They'll pay for that humiliation... I demand satisfaction!" – Kasrkin rallying. The are elite troops so of course they aren’t gonna say “you’re gonna pay for that” but demanding satisfaction? That’s cool.

5 - "Spit in their faces!" – Priests in combat. Priests cab kick arse. Simple as.

6 - "Let's bloody the treads!"- Leman Russ Tank on being given an attack command. Bad assery from a tank? Say it isn’t so! Just a shame you can’t actually run people over.

7 - "Orks, I thought I smelt something." – Ork’s being sighted. Rififng on the usual perception that Orks smell, it’s the dripping disdain in the Guardsmen’s voice that rules.

8 - "Who's dying now?" – Baneblade after destroying a large amount of enemies. Take a shed load of troops. Fling them at the Baneblade, watch as they are all slaughtered. Who’s dying now?

9 - "Rip them apart!!" – Basilisk firing an Earthshaker Shell. I never liked Basilisks, then I took a gamble on them to take out an Ork base from a distance. I haven’t looked back since. Especially when three Earthshaker shells smack into a HQ building. Satisfaction? Indeed.

10 - "I will have someone's head for this!" – The Commissar on being broken. – It the righteous indignation that gets me. Like somehow despite everything that has happened it isn’t his fault.

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